Distinguished Lecture Series: Sae Won Chung (December 10, 2020) > KUJMCE Distinguished Lecture Series

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KUJMCE Distinguished Lecture Series

Distinguished Lecture Series: Sae Won Chung (December 10, 2020)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 2,603회 작성일 21-01-12 14:25


On December 10th, the Jean Monnet EU Centre invited Prof. Chung Sae Won from Pukyung National University to give an online lecture titled, “EU Global Perceptions.” In the lecture, Prof. Chung Sae Won explained the concept of perceptions and how they apply to international relations. Specifically, he focused on an analysis of the perceptions of the EU using data from a PPMI Group's (Public Policy and Management Institute) project. Throughout the lecture, he stressed the significance of paying attention to measures of international partners' perceptions of a country. After the session, students enthusiastically asked questions, so that there was an engaging discussion on the topic. Due to the insightful perspective of Prof. Chung, all of the participants had a great chance to learn a lesson regarding the importance of perceptions of a nation.  At the end, moderator Professor Sunghoon Park discussed a plan for future academic cooperation between Korea University and Pukong National University.


The recorded version is available in: https://youtu.be/xudgLLB7Ujc




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Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    E-mail: shpark@korea.ac.kr
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323
    E-mail: jhlee2021@korea.ac.kr