(~10/30) Application for Graduate Students' Workshop of Asia-Pacific EU Centres 2016-2017 > News & Notices

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News & Notices

(~10/30) Application for Graduate Students' Workshop of Asia-Pacific EU Centres 2016-2017

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작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 5,430회 작성일 16-10-24 15:56


Graduate Students' Workshop of Asia-Pacific EU Centres 2016-2017

The annual roundtable of EU Centres and Graduate Students' Workshop on EU Studies in Asia-Pacific 2016-2017 will be held on 20 and 21 December 2016 in Taipei, Taiwan. The theme of the workshop is "Crisis and Opportunity for the European Integration under Challenge." Accordingly, the following topics are suggested which however never constitute an exclusive list.

- What is the most recent development of these crises?

- What is the most recent development of coming French elections in April 2017 and German elections in November

  2017? What is the development of British politics after the referendum on Brexit?

- What are or could be the impact of these crises upon the EU, European integration, inter-state relations in the EU

  or EU’s external action?

- Development of Trans-Atlantic relations under these challenges.

- Development of the EU-Asian relations under these challenges.

- What could be the most important impact upon Asian geopolitics?

 A limited number of hotel rooms and airfare will be funded by the organisers. The tentative agenda is as follows: 

18 December 2016
 Arrival of participants
 A welcome meal at hotel in the evening

19 December 2016
 Conference on EU’s New Trade Strategy and TTIP
 A formal dinner in the evening

20 December 2016
 Roundtable in the morning
 Meeting of Jean Monnet Transnational Networking
 Meeting of EU Centres in Asia-Pacific
Student Workshop in the afternoon ***
 Dinner

21 December 2016
Student workshop for the whole day ***
 End of workshop at 17:00

22 December 2016
 Departure of participants 

If you would like to participate (=make a presentation) in the workshop, please submit the application (including the title and 200 words abstract of your paper) to ku.eucentre@gmail.com by 30 October 2016. Later, you should submit the paper (4000-5000 words) and powerpoints for presentation. All professors of EU Centres will be discussants of students’ papers and constitute the jury to select the best paper(s) for each panel of the workshop.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    E-mail: shpark@korea.ac.kr
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323
    E-mail: jhlee2021@korea.ac.kr