Distinguished Lecture Series: H.E. François Bontemps / Julian Quintart (November 3, 2021) > Notice

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Distinguished Lecture Series: H.E. François Bontemps / Julian Quintart (November 3, 2021)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 3,335회 작성일 21-10-28 17:37


KU Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, KU Nordic-Benelux Center, and GPAS-Europe will be co-hosting a special lecture on the title of "Belgium in the EU: the voice of small countries in a global world". We cordially invite you to attend this honouring lecture. (If you are interested, please pre-register for the lecture via the link below.)

• Title: "Belgium in the EU: the voice of small countries in a global world"

• Date: November 3, 2021 (15:00~17:30)

• Venue: CCL Event Hall(Korea University) & Zoom 

• Speaker:1) H.E. François Bontemps, New Ambassador of Belgium to Korea 

         2) Julian Quintart, Belgian celebrity 


[RSVP]: https://forms.gle/TY5xsAemvdq5eZe1A


[Zoom Link]: https://korea-ac-kr.zoom.us/j/83244687201?pwd=ZkcvOC9kZzNCYml0eDVUeENVTmFpUT09

(ID: 832 4468 7201, PW: GmJgv&f2#N)


※ Contact: jmeuce@korea.ac.kr 

※ Physical attendance is limited to the first 10 people due to Covid19. We will send emails to everyone who has registered. Also, the first 10 people will be received a confirmation email.


※ Schedule for November 3



(Only Zoom)

<Dive into Belgium>

Julian Quintart, Belgian celebrity

4:00 pm ~ 4:20 pm

Break time 

4:30pm ~ 5:00pm


 & CCL Event Hall)

<Belgium in the EU: the voice of small countries in a global world>

H.E. François Bontemps, New Ambassador of Belgium to Korea

5:00pm~5:30 pm


 & CCL event hall)

<Q&A session>

Prof. Jae-Seung Lee, Dean of KUGSIS

H.E. François Bontemps, Julian Quintart


* The lecture is from 16:30 to 17:30.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could come to Korea University Central Plaza CCL Event Hall by 4:20 pm.



등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    E-mail: shpark@korea.ac.kr
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323
    E-mail: jhlee2021@korea.ac.kr