[Webinar] EU-Asia: Shaping a new world order through connectivity? > Notice

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[Webinar] EU-Asia: Shaping a new world order through connectivity?

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작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 3,615회 작성일 21-12-08 10:15


EU-Asia: Shaping a new world order through connectivity?

Webinar, Thursday, December 16th, 2021

10:00 – 11:00 A.M. CET   I   1:00 – 2:00 P.M.  GMT   I   4:00 – 5:00 P.M. PEK

On behalf of the Jean Monnet Chair “Connecting Europe and Asia: People, Power and Policies” (CEAPPP) you are cordially invited to participate in the upcoming lecture on “EU-Asia: Shaping a new world order through connectivity?” organised by the Department of International Political Economy of East Asia, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum. 

The lecture will be delivered by Dr. Anna Michalski, Associate Professor in Political Science at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, Associate Senior Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs, and Chair for the Swedish Network for European Studies in Political Science (SNES).

On December 1, 2021, the European Commission and the High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy launched the Global Gateway, a new European Strategy to boost smart, clean, and secure links in digital, energy, and transport. In an increasingly tense international climate, the EU is strengthening its strategic presence in Asia. What is entailed in the EU's focus on values, sustainability, and connectivity? And how does it relate to existing geopolitical tensions in the region?

All participants are invited to engage in the succeeding Q&A session.


10:00 A.M. Moderator:

  • Dr. Sebastian Bersick, Jean Monnet Chair & Head of Department, International Political Economy of East Asia, Faculty of East Asian Studies, Ruhr-Universität Bochum.

10:10 – 10:30 A.M. Speaker:

  • Anna Michalski, Associate Professor in Political Science at the Department of Government, Uppsala University, and Associate Senior Fellow at the Swedish Institute of International Affairs.

10:30 – 11:00 A.M.  Q&A Session

The lecture will be held online via Zoom. Prior registration is necessary.

Sign up today! Free event. Register HERE: shorturl.at/bnyDN



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Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    E-mail: shpark@korea.ac.kr
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323
    E-mail: jhlee2021@korea.ac.kr