Info-Session for Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (March 7th)
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[EU 2022 Spring Semester_Info-Session for Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence & GPAS-Europe]
We’re co-hosting the Info-Session for Jean Monnet EU Centre and the KIEP-KU GPAS-Europe programs operated by the GSIS, Korea University as follows. We are providing scholarships, internships, fellowships, summer school opportunities, special lectures, and other opportunities for graduate students enrolled at the GSIS, Korea University. We would like to cordially invite you all to this Info Session.
2022학년도 1학기 쟝 모네 EU센터와 GPAS-유럽 프로그램 설명회를 개최합니다. GSIS 학생들을 위한 장학금, 인턴십, 펠로우십, 현지 조사 등 다양하고 특별한 기회를 제공하니 많은 참석 부탁합니다 :)
* Date: March 7th, Monday 12:30-13:30
* Schedule:
12:30~12:50 - Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence (English)
12:50~13:00 - EU Society (English)
12:00~13:20 - KIEP-KU GPAS-Europe (Korean Only)
13:20~13:30 - Q&A Session (Korean/English)
* Contents: (EU-Centre) Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence, Jean Monnet Network SPEAC
(GPAS-Europe) Scholarships, Special lectures, Research projects, EU Society
* Zoom Information:
•Conference ID: 879 9104 6365
•Password: KUgsis123!
* Pre-registration:
* Inquiry:
- 이전글EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea <Online Talk Concert> Coffee with Europe (March 8th) 22.03.04
- 다음글EU Delegation to the Republic of Korea Internship Opportunity 22.02.24
등록된 댓글이 없습니다.