Jean Monnet Network Project SPEAC Fourth Workshop > Notice

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Jean Monnet Network Project SPEAC Fourth Workshop

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 3,464회 작성일 21-09-09 11:05



The European-Asian Research Network on Strategies for Promoting Europe-Asia Connectivity (SPEAC) is supported by the European Union and furthers the development of an Europe-Asia research network on strategies for promoting connectivity between Europe and Asia. SPEAC contributes to establishing and developing a comprehensive research network that assesses three major areas of connectivity between Europe and Asia, i.e. economy and trade, politics and security as well as people-to-people and rule of law. All research activities contribute to exploring the contextualization, challenges and opportunities of EU-Asia connectivity and to the development of respective policy recommendations.

The purpose of the workshop is to bring together international academics and experts from different disciplines to take stock of and assess the state of play of EU-Asia connectivity and its current trajectory. The goal is to create a platform for new interdisciplinary and innovative research that contributes to the academic and practical understanding of contemporary EU-Asia affairs in rapidly changing global and regional contexts.

This event is the Fourth Workshop to be held online due to the COVID 19 pandemic. Each participant is going to present his/her part for "Building Connectivity: Strategies for EU-Asia Relations".

Date & Time : 13 September 2021, 17:00~19:55 (KST)
Venue : Zoom Online Webinar



<Opening Remarks>

1. Introduction: Prof. Sunghoon Park

<Session 1: Conceptual Framework>

1. Prof. Sebastian Bersick and Prof. Anna Michalski

Ø  Role Theory Meets Geo-politics: Implications for the EU’s role in Asia and beyond

2. Prof. Pawel Pasierbiak and Prof. Tomasz Bialowas

Ø  Driving Forces of Connectivity


<Session 2: Case Studies_Actors and Institutions (Part 1)>

1. Prof. Sebastian Bersick and Ms. Mireia Paulo Noguera

Ø  China, the EU and Connectivity

2. Dr. Dong-Hee Joe (Next workshop)

Ø  FTA’s Role in Strengthening Connectivity: the Case of the Korea-EU FTA

3. Dr. Lay Hwee Yeo



<Session 3: Case Studies_Actors and Institutions (Part 2)>

1. Prof. Anna Michalski and Prof. Charles Parker

Ø  The Role of the EU as a Global Connectivity Leader in an Age of Geopolitics

2. Prof. Tomasz Bialowas and Prof. Pawel Pasierbiak

Ø  Development of interregional production network between European Union and Asia

3. Dr. Youngook Jang (Next workshop)

Ø  Infrastructure and Connectivity: Similarity and Difference between AIIB and EIB


Partner Organisations
Korea University, Korea
EU Centre in Singapore, NTU, Singapore
Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Uppsala University, Sweden
Maria Curie-Skłodowska University, Poland


Hosted and Organised by Korea University, Korea  




등록된 댓글이 없습니다.

Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323