2023-2 EU Society 4th Session (Oct 31, 2023) > EU Society at KUGSIS

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EU Society at KUGSIS

2023-2 EU Society 4th Session (Oct 31, 2023)

페이지 정보

작성자 관리자
댓글 0건 조회 1,230회 작성일 23-12-04 13:55


The Fourth Session of the EU Society began by EU Society President Jinwoo, welcoming back the members after exhausting two weeks of studying for midterms. It was nice seeing all of the member’s faces again. 


In the first presentation titled "Taiwan: A New Dilemma to Europe" Jaehyun Im provided all of the EU Society members with an insightful overview of Taiwan's current status in the world and its pursuit of recognition as an independent state. The presentation delved into the historical complexities of Taiwan-China relations, which shed light on the challenges Taiwan has faced. Furthermore, Jaehyun explored the current relationship between the European Union (EU) and Taiwan, emphasizing the somewhat "unofficial" support that Europe extends to Taiwan. An essential question arose during the presentation: "Why does Taiwan matter to Europe?" This question highlighted the significance of Taiwan in the international context. An aspect of the presentation that many students found interesting was the unexpected Lithuania's relationship with Taiwan, which attracted substantial criticism from China, underscoring the diplomatic sensitivities surrounding the Taiwan issue. Bringing the presentation to an end,  Jaehyun Im addressed the vital topic of Taiwan's current security situation and the looming threat of a potential Chinese invasion. 

The following discussion was started by the question: "If Beijing invades Taiwan, what role would the EU play in the conflict?" The consensus among many students was that while the EU might impose sanctions on China and issue strong condemnations, taking on a more assertive role in the conflict may be constrained by practical limitations, reflecting the complex nature of international diplomacy.



The second presentation titled "EU-South Korea Relations: Strategic Global Implications" Kenza Kazzou started off by a comprehensive examination of the diplomatic history between the European Union (EU) and South Korea. Kenza’s presentation also touched upon significant agreements that have shaped their (EU and South Korea) relations, including the 2010 framework agreement enforced in 2014 and the new EU-Korea Free Trade Agreement. Kenza Kazzou conducted an in-depth analysis of the economic stances of both the EU and South Korea, highlighting the pivotal role of China. China's prominence as a trade partner for both the EU and South Korea was underscored. It is noteworthy that China is the top trading partner for both regions. However, Kenza emphasized that, despite these strong trade ties, both South Korea and the EU lean towards the United States as the hegemonic power, revealing complex dynamics in their international relationships. The ensuing discussion was initiated by the question: "What is the strategic importance of EU-Korea relations within the context of China-US rivalry, and on a global scale?" The following discussion spanned a wide range of topics, extending from the examination of the hegemonic dynamics between the United States and China to the consideration of green trade deals. Many of the members of the EU Society were present during the earlier lecture of  Mr. Valdis Dombrovskis - the executive vice-president of the European Commission on the topic “EU-Korea Economic and Trade Relations” and that is why they were eager to include what they heard during the lecture in the discussion. Among the key topics covered during the discussion were the green deals and digital transitions in both Europe and South Korea. An interesting point was raised by one of the members in the discussion, who highlighted the European Union's focus on promoting a green agenda primarily with South Korea, prompting the question of why a similar emphasis was not directed towards India. This highlighted the complexities of international relations and policy priorities. In conclusion, the students reached a consensus that green deals are an essential component for creating a better world. This unified perspective underlines the increasing recognition of the necessity for sustainable and environmentally conscious policies to address global challenges.


After the two insightful presentations and discussion all of the members were invited to have dinner together. 



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Jean Monnet EU Centre of Excellence
    Prof. Sung-Hoon Park
    Korea University
    E-mail: shpark@korea.ac.kr
    Ji-Hae Lee
    Korea University
    Phone: +82 2.3290.5323
    E-mail: jhlee2021@korea.ac.kr